AIS is certified for the following:
Most problems are caused when your internet browser is caching an expired version of Based on the browser that you are using, please click on the link below for instructions to clear your browser cache and cookies. Please clear your cache for all time, not just the past hour.
If you have a link bookmarked for my.UChicago/AIS, please remove your current bookmark and set up a new one in its place by first navigating to Saved bookmarks can create access issues. It is recommended that you clear your cache (for all time, not just the past hour) prior to bookmarking the new link.
If you are navigating to the public class search page and then attempting to login from that page, you will not have full access to information in the portal. The public class search associates a “guest token” to your log-in credentials which will limit your access. You will need to log-in through and click on the Class Search link from within the portal.
Based on the browser that you are using, please click on the link below for instructions to enable private browsing.